
Microsoft word equation number right
Microsoft word equation number right

microsoft word equation number right

  • mark your new label (not the newline in the end!).
  • This page might help understanding how SEQ works: Auto-Insert the label
  • "\s 1" restarts the sequence at each "heading 1".
  • "SEQ eqn" creates a sequence named 'eqn'.
  • "STYLEREF 1" prints the number of the current "Heading 1" section.
  • You can do this as well by clicking via "Insert -> Text -> Quick Parts -> Field.
  • Into the brackets you insert "SEQ eqn \* Arabic \s 1 \* MERGEFORMAT"Ĭlick into each of the curly brackets once and type F9 each time.
  • Move the cursor behind the brackets, press.
  • Into the brackets you insert "STYLEREF 1 \s".
  • Press CTRL + F9 and curly brackets appear.
  • You go to the place where the label should be inserted.
  • The (Insert) Multiple Captions feature supports to to insert captions to all of the tables, equations, figures, SmartArt, and Chart in the whole document with only one click. If you have added captions for some equations before, these equation captions will be overwritten automatically.

    microsoft word equation number right

    Now it adds captions to all equations in the whole document. In the Batch Insert Captions dialog box, please only check the Equation option, and click the OK button. (2) In the Advanced Caption Options dialog, go to the Equation Caption section, add prefix as (, add suffix as ), specify the vertical position as Middle, and set horizontal position as Right, and click the OK button.


    (1) Click the anchor at the bottom-right corner of the Captions group on the Kutools Plus tab First of all, we customize the captions style as need. Please do as follows: Kutools for Word is a handy add-in to ease your work and enhance your ability of processing word document. Kutools for Word also provide a handy Multiple Captions feature that can insert captions to multiple equations separately in Word.


    Have a Free Trial!īatch insert multiple right aligned captions next to equations in Word The Equation Caption feature can quickly inserts an caption to the selected equation in your customizing preset style. Now you will see the caption is added at the right edge and stay in the same line of the equation. Select or activate the equation you will add a caption to, and click Kutools Plus > Insert > Equation Caption. Note: you can change the prefix and suffix according to what you need.ģ. In the Advanced Caption Options dialog, go to the Equation Caption section, type ( in the Prefix box, type ) in the Suffix box, select Middle from the Vertical drop down list, keep Right selected in the Horizontal drop down list, and click the OK button. Click the anchor at the bottom-right corner of the Captions group on the Kutools Plus tab. Kutools for Word is a handy add-in to ease your work and enhance your ability of processing word document. After you have installed Kutools for Word, you can easily insert a right aligned caption next to equation. Is there any easy way to insert a right aligned caption next to equation? Yes, Kutools for Word is your best choice. Quickly insert a right aligned caption next to equation with Kutools for Word Now you will see the equation caption is added and right aligned. Highlight the entire table, and click Design (Under Table Tools) > Borders > No Border to remove borders. Note: You can also center the equation with activate the second cell and click Layout > Align Center.ħ. Place cursor in the third cell of the table, and click Layout > Align Center Right to move the caption to the right side.

    microsoft word equation number right

    Please select the caption, press Ctrl + X keys to cut it, and paste it in the third cell of the table. (3) Now you return to the Caption dialog, type a closing parenthesis ) in the Caption box, and click the OK button.ĥ. (2) In the New Label dialog, please type a opening parenthesis (, and click the OK button (1) In the Caption dialog, please click the New Label button Now please customize the caption style as follows: Note: If the table or column widths are not suitable, you can change them by dragging table or cell borders, or changing them in the Cell Size group on the Layout tab (under Table Tools).ģ. Enter your equation in the second cell in the 3x1 table. Click Insert > Table > select 3x1 cells to insert a 3x1 table. We can also insert a right align caption to a certain equation with typing both into a table in Word.

    Microsoft word equation number right